About | Carol App for Mums
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About Us

Our Story

You know that saying, "It takes a village to raise a child"? Well, our founder, Holly, discovered firsthand that building that village isn't always easy. When she was pregnant with her first child, she realised that she didn't have the typical support system around her. Her own mum passed away when she was just 17, and she didn't have any family nearby in London. And if that wasn't enough, when her son turned 1, her partner's mother also tragically passed away, leaving them feeling even more alone. It was clear that the idea of a "village" wasn't their reality.


Holly searched high and low for other mums who were in a similar situation, raising children without that key support system, but she couldn't find a place where she could connect with relatable mums. That's when the idea for Carol was born. Holly wanted to create a space where mums like her could find a relatable community, have honest conversations, make friends who were going through similar situations, and get all the motherhood advice they needed in one place—and the best part? It would all be free.


Community is crucial for a mum's mental health, happiness, and overall well-being. That's why our mission at Carol is to improve the lives of mums by connecting and supporting them throughout their motherhood journey, reminding them that they are never alone.


At Carol, we offer an array of hand picked, expert-led resources from experts in the child and baby space, covering everything from pregnancy to postpartum, baby sleep, feeding, development, and those precious early years. No more spending endless hours scouring the internet for bits and pieces of advice. We've gathered it all in one convenient place.


"I remember spending months endlessly searching the internet for advice on raising my son, with no mother or support system to turn to for even the simplest questions. Carol provides a space where mums can come together, offering support and advice to one another, while also accessing hand-picked, expert-led content across a wide range of topics from pregnancy through to the early years." - Holly


So, join us at Carol and discover a community of mums who get it. Let's support each other, share our stories, and navigate motherhood together. You're never alone on this journey.


- The Carol App Team


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