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The Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early symptoms of pregnancy may appear two to three weeks after conception, although it varies from woman to woman. It's recommended to take a prenatal vitamin to support your pregnancy which contains folic acid as well as other vital vitamins and minerals to support the healthy growth and development of your baby.

Remember that we are all unique so pregnancy symptoms do vary, but generally speaking the most common symptoms of pregnancy include:

Cramps Similar to cramps during your period, you may notice some cramping in the early stages of pregnancy between 5-10 days after conception, known as implantation cramps. You may also experience implantation bleeding around days 10-14 after conception which can often be confused with the onset of your period. Implantation bleeding typically lasts for 1-2 days and is very light.

A Missed Period A missed period is often the first sign of pregnancy. Granted, there can be other reasons for a missed or late period, such as stress or illness. However, if you've been actively trying to conceive, and your period is late, it's time to grab that pregnancy test. You may also experience more vaginal discharge in the early weeks of pregnancy alongside a missed period. This is often the first pregnancy sign noticed, however not always.

Tender Breasts Another early indication of pregnancy is breast tenderness and swollen breasts. You might notice your breasts feeling sore, swollen, or heavier than usual. This is due to the increase in your hormone levels. Your breasts may feel tender similar to if they do during your menstrual cycle.

Fatigue Pregnancy can make you feel more tired than usual. Pregnancy fatigue is common as your body is going through a lot of changes, and producing a human being is hard work! Rest when needed and remember to take care of yourself. Another common sign of pregnancy can be mood swings are something you may also experience, similar to those you may feel in the days leading to your normal period. A raised basal body temperature and starting to feel warmer may also become noticeable.

Nausea Commonly known as "morning sickness," nausea can strike at any time of day. Some women experience it early on, while others may not feel nauseous until a few weeks into their pregnancy. Nausea during pregnancy may also be caused by a metallic taste or a strange taste in your mouth as well as excess saliva, food aversions and a heightened sense of smell, all common pregnancy symptoms. Aversions to food is common and a pregnant woman can develop a distaste for almost any type of food, similarly with food cravings. Please note that if you feel extreme nausea and struggle to keep anything down, it may be a more serious problem known as hyperemesis gravidarum which affects around 1 in 100 women - please seek advice from your GP, Midwife as it can be serious and needs medical treatment.

Frequent Urination You might find yourself needing to urinate more frequently. This is because the amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, causing your kidneys to process more fluid that ends up in your bladder.

Changes in Food Preferences Lastly, you may notice a change in your food preferences. Certain foods that you previously couldn't get enough of might now make you feel queasy, while others that you never fancied might suddenly seem irresistible.

Often the earliest pregnancy symptoms include tender breasts, fatigue, raised basal body temperature, headaches and sensitivity to smell but we are all different. If you think you might be pregnant, schedule an appointment with your GP for confirmation. And remember, every pregnancy is unique – just like each one of you beautiful future mums!

This article is intended for informational purposes and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for any pregnancy-related concerns.

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