Your Baby's Journey: Developmental Milestones from 6 to 12 Months
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Your Baby's Journey: Developmental Milestones from 6 to 12 Months

As your little one grows, so does their curiosity and abilities. The period from 6 to 12 months is filled with remarkable developmental milestones that will leave you in awe of your baby's progress and how fast they develop. In this article, we'll guide you through what to expect in your baby's development during this crucial stage of their life. Note that every baby is different, this is a gentle guide.

Physical Development

1. Motor Skills

Around 6 months, your baby will begin to show signs of increased mobility. They might start rolling over, pushing themselves up on their hands, and even attempting to sit up. By 7-8 months, many babies can sit up unsupported for short periods. Encourage their motor skills by providing a safe, soft environment for them to practice these movements.

2. Crawling and Standing

Between 8 and 10 months, some babies may start crawling or scooting, while others might pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture. Keep a watchful eye as they explore their newfound vertical world – babyproofing becomes essential!

Cognitive Development

1. Object Permanence

Around 8 months, your baby begins to understand that objects still exist even when they can't see them. This newfound knowledge might lead to games of peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek becoming their favourites.

2. Language Development

Babbling becomes more sophisticated during this period. You'll start to hear consonant-vowel combinations, and they may even utter their first words, such as "mama" or "dada." Encourage language development by talking and reading to your baby regularly.

Social and Emotional Development

1. Separation Anxiety

Around 8-10 months, many babies experience separation anxiety. This is a sign that they have formed strong attachments to their caregivers. Be patient and reassuring when leaving them with someone else.

2. Expressing Emotions

Your baby is becoming more adept at expressing their emotions. They might laugh when you play peek-a-boo or show frustration when they can't reach a toy. Encourage emotional development by responding to their cues with warmth and empathy.

Feeding and Nutrition

At this stage, your baby will likely transition to eating solid foods. Start with soft, age-appropriate options like mashed fruits and vegetables. Continue breastfeeding or formula feeding and seek advice from your GP for any specific questions related to your baby. Always supervise your baby during meals to ensure their safety.


Sleep patterns may vary from one baby to another, but by 6-12 months, most babies will have established a more predictable sleep routine. However, they might still wake up during the night. Stick to a bedtime routine to help them learn when it's time to sleep.

The journey from 6 to 12 months is filled with incredible growth and development for your baby. Each milestone they reach is a testament to their budding abilities and curiosity about the world around them. Remember that every child is unique, and they may reach these milestones at their own pace. Continue to provide love, support, and a safe environment for your little one as they embark on this exciting developmental journey. Parenthood is a real adventure, and watching your baby grow is one of its most beautiful chapters.

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