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  • Community Questions - Baby Carriers?

    "Please can you share your top baby carriers? We are looking to buy one for our baby due in March and there's so many to choose from!" We absolutely loved our baby carriers - they are so handy for being able to have both hands free as well as carrying your little one! We used our baby carriers most days if not every day so here are our top baby carriers! Our top baby carrier would have to be the BabyBjorn One - £175 - The BabyBjorn One can be used from newborn to three years (3.5kg - 15 kg) with its' easy to use zip system. The One has 4 different carrying positions, is comfortable has foot supports for your little one and is long lasting. We love our BabyBjorn One at Carol and it's always our number 1 recommended baby carrier! The BabyBjorn Mini - £89 - is also a great carrier and is notoriously easy to use yourself if you don't have a helping hand getting your baby in the carrier and getting it set up. The Mini can be used from newborn to 11kg, enables baby to be forward facing or inner facing, is comfortable and very easy to use. The Erogbaby 360 Omni Breeze - £165 - can be used from 7lbs to 20kg. It is a sturdy and long lasting baby carrier. The Erobaby Omni Breeze uses 'softflex' mesh fabric to maximise airflow and is very comfortable for both baby and wearer. The Omni Breeze offers 4 different carry positions and is a good option for those families who travel often, especially to warmer climates due to the 'softflex' fabric being breathable.

  • Community Questions - Travelling when pregnant.

    "Hey! I'm due to go abroad with my husband and I'm pregnant with my first, do you have any tips for travelling when pregnant? I'll be 28 weeks." Travelling when pregnant and whether it is safe to do so depends on how many weeks you are when you travel, if there have been any complications in your pregnancy and where you are planning to travel to. We would always recommend speaking with your Midwife and GP before travelling abroad when pregnant. It is generally considered safe to travel abroad before Week 36 if you have a healthy pregnancy with no complications, but always check the airline and their policy just to be sure! Often the airline will want a signed letter from either your Doctor or Midwife if you are over 28 weeks confirming that you are fit to travel as well as confirming your due date. Some tips for when you're travelling abroad when pregnant that have helped us on the Carol App Team are: - Booking an Aisle seat - especially handy for those frequent trips to the bathroom as your pregnancy progresses, it also offers a little more space if you are on the aisle! - Compression stockings for longer flights (over 4 hours) - help to reduce swelling in your legs and feet. As well as trying to keep moving every 30-45 mins. - Wear comfortable clothing - there's nothing worse than sitting in a plane seat for an extended period of time, never mind when pregnant! Make sure you wear your comfiest, loosest items to make the journey a little more comfortable for you! - Make sure you take snacks and a lot of fluids with you for the journey! Hope that helps!

  • Community Questions - Breast to bottle transition.

    "Do you have any advice on transitioning my son from breast to bottle feeding? He's 5 months and I'm really done with BF, ready to get him on the bottle but not sure where to start really." Yes absolutely! Some tips for transitioning from breast to bottle that have worked for the Carol App Team have been: Take your time - try to not rush the transition. Your little one might not be keen on taking the bottle at first, so trying things like skin to skin time when starting to introduce the bottle, lots of cuddles and affection, eye contact and try to keep the feed as relaxed as possible. If you have tried to feed your little one a bottle and it didn't go so well, it's completely fine to stop and try again later on. It's much easier to try introduce the bottle when both you and baby are calmer. Timing is an important thing to note. Try to introduce the bottle an hour after your little one has had a feed, so that they aren't hungry and get stressed out when they notice you are feeding them with the bottle and not breastfeeding straight away when they are hungry. If you have been expressing and bottle feeding your baby, a tip that worked for us with transitioning to formula was to mix a little formula with the breastmilk in the bottle and slowly increase the amount of formula in the bottle and decrease the amount of breastmilk to ease your baby into the different taste of milk from breast to formula. It's important to also be aware of the different types of bottles and different flow types on the bottle teats/nipples, making sure you get the right flow for your babies age - too large will mean they are taking on too much milk and can cause excess gas and they may gag, too small they may find it difficult to get the liquid out of the bottle and cause them excess stress. Remember you can always ask your health visitor for advice on transitioning and there are some brilliant lactation consultants out there who will be able to offer you specific advice too. It does take a few attempts for your little one to become comfortable with being bottle fed, especially if they have been exclusively breastfed but it does get easier. You've got this!

  • Community Questions - Teething tips!

    "Hey! Can you share any advice on teething and helping to soothe my baby when she's going through it?" Teething is tough when you're in it and it can really feel like it's going to go on forever! Here are some tips and advice that has helped us soothe our little ones as they were teething from being small babies to toddlers - remember every baby will get their teeth through at different times and that has been the same for us at Carol App! Teething toys - there are many brilliant teething toys on the market - teething rings, Sophie the teething giraffe, Matchstick Monkey Teething toy - and it's worth trying one of these if you haven't already. Rubbing babies gums - this is often recommended. With a clean fingertip, softly rub babies gums with your finger for a few minutes, in circular motions. If your baby is over 6 months old and is moving onto solid foods, you could give them some food to chew on such as a small piece of soft melon which could help to soothe their teething. There are teething gels on the market but being totally honest, none of them worked for us! We have used the Weleda Chamomile teething granules and they did seem to offer a slight relief, but nothing enough for us to say it's a must have! We did find our sons' dummy was a comfort for him when he was teething and would be more needy of it around those times, so we would say that this did help him find a little comfort. Lots of cuddles for your little one, playing games, distractions and getting outside also helps! Good luck mama, we've all been there with you!

  • Pregnancy - Week by Week

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! You're about to embark on an incredible journey of nurturing a new life. To help you understand the amazing changes happening week by week, here's a brief guide about pregnancy, week by week: Week 1-4: The Beginning In these early weeks, you may not even realise you're pregnant! The first day of your pregnancy is calculated as the first day of your last period.During these weeks, the egg gets fertilised and implants in the uterus while your body starts producing pregnancy hormones. Week 5: Embryo Development You may have missed your period and taken a pregnancy test - by week 5 your hCG levels (pregnancy hormone) should be high enough to detect on a pregnancy test! Now, the embryo starts taking shape. The brain and spinal cord begin to form, so make sure you're taking prenatal vitamins and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Week 6-8: Organ Development Major organs like the heart, brain, and lungs start developing. Your little one's face starts taking shape, and tiny limb buds start appearing. Get ready for early pregnancy symptoms like fatigue and morning sickness. Week 9-12: Rapid Growth During this period, your baby grows rapidly. Facial features become more distinct, and those little fingers and toes start forming. As the placenta takes over hormone production, you may feel more energised. Week 13-16: Baby's Movement Bones and muscles continue to strengthen, and you might start feeling gentle flutters or "quickening." If you want to find out, you can find out your baby's gender through an ultrasound! Week 17-20: Developing Senses Your baby's senses, like hearing and touch, are developing. You'll notice that growing baby bump! Week 21-24: Maturing Lungs The baby's lungs are maturing, and their sense of taste is developing. Your appetite might increase more during these weeks. Bonding with your baby through gentle touches and talking is a great idea. Week 25-28: Third Trimester Begins The baby's brain is growing rapidly, and their eyes are opening. You might start feeling Braxton Hicks contractions and more noticeable movements. Keep an eye on your blood pressure too. Week 29-32: Growth Spurt Bones are hardening, and that baby fat is starting to accumulate. As your baby grows, you may experience discomfort like backache and trouble sleeping. Week 33-36: Preparation for Birth The baby's head may engage in your pelvis, getting ready for birth. Energy levels might drop, so try to practise relaxation techniques and get those final preparations done. Week 37-40: Full Term Congratulations! Your baby is now considered full term. Keep an eye out for signs of labour and get ready for the delivery. And don't worry if your baby doesn't arrive by week 40—they often take their time! Week 41+ If your baby hasn't arrived yet, your midwife will closely monitor you and your baby's well-being. They might discuss induction methods if necessary. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and the timeline can vary. Take care of yourself, attend those prenatal check-ups, and lean on the support of your midwife, family, and friends. Enjoy this miraculous journey and get excited about meeting your precious little one!

  • Community Questions - Best Prams!

    "Hi There! Please could you share your top prams that you have used and personally liked? We need to get our first pram and we really don't know where to start! TIA." This has been the most common question we have received over the Christmas break - so you aren't alone with this! There are so many prams out there it can feel almost impossible to know which one to go for! Some important points to note are that the NHS guidance on pushchairs is that they are only suitable for young babies if they have 'fully reclining seats so your baby can lay flat' and to wait until your little one can sit by themselves before using an elevated pushchair/ any other type other than laying flat. We would recommend getting a Pram that also has a newborn system so you are covered from birth - toddler! Our number 1 pram is without doubt the Babyzen Yoyo+- £386. The Yoyo comes with a newborn system and can then be used until your little one is a toddler! The Yoyo is very light, brilliant for travelling, fits down the aisle of the airplane and easily folded into the overhead locker. The Yoyo is also car seat compatible, very compact in size and very easy to fold down. The Yoyo is brilliant for those living in the city or a flat as it's so compact and light! The second pram we would recommend is the Bugaboo Chameleon 3 - £556 - The Bugaboo Chameleon can be used from birth to age 3 and comes with the newborn bassinet attachment. The Chameleon is versatile, can be used for city or country living, is sturdy and hard wearing and is a smooth ride for your baby. The Chameleon has an easy fold system and we have used ours daily since our son was born (he's now over 2!). Third and at a slightly higher price point is the iCandy Peach - £1,199 - The iCandy Peach is sturdy, stylish and due to the ease of being able to remove the carrycot, recline the seat and add a car seat, the Peach is one of the easiest travel systems on the market in our opinion! The iCandy Peach is great for long walks and has very durable tyres, is comfortable for baby and is a dream to push!

  • Community Questions - Baby essentials for the first 12 weeks. Essentials for Newborns!

    "What are the top baby essentials we need for the first 12 weeks with our baby? There are a lot of different lists out there, it's confusing knowing what you actually need!" In the first few months, babies mostly eat, sleep, cry and fill their nappies! It can feel like a minefield knowing what to get organised with before your little ones' arrival, but hopefully this helps! As we get this question so often, we have put together a list of our Top Newborn Essentials in a free Downloadable guide which you can find here. As well as needing the obvious bassinet/crib, this guide gives you an insight into what we got for our babies for those first few months! Importance of having essential items ready for a newborn baby Introducing the Importance of Having Essential Items Ready for a Newborn Baby Preparing for the arrival of a newborn baby is an exciting and joyous time in any parent's life. As the due date approaches, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that all the necessary items are ready and waiting for the baby's arrival. Having essential items at hand not only contributes to the comfort and convenience of the baby but also eases the transition for the parents. Newborn baby essentials play a crucial role in providing a nurturing environment for the little one. From clothing and bedding to feeding and diapering supplies, these essential items are designed to cater to the unique needs of the newborn. Ensuring that these items are in place before the baby arrives not only saves precious time but also helps in avoiding unnecessary stress and last-minute shopping trips. Moreover, being prepared with the necessary items ensures the comfort and convenience of both the baby and the parents. Newborns require constant care and attention, and having essential items readily available minimizes disruptions and provides a smooth daily routine. Whether it's a warm and cozy blanket, soft clothing, or a comfortable and safe crib, these items contribute to the overall well-being and contentment of the baby. Simultaneously, they alleviate the parents' worries and allow them to focus solely on bonding with their newborn. In conclusion, the importance of having essential items ready for a newborn baby cannot be understated. Proper preparation guarantees the comfort and convenience of the baby while providing peace of mind to the parents. By organizing and acquiring the necessary newborn baby essentials beforehand, parents can truly embrace the joy and excitement of welcoming a new life into their home. - Planning ahead for the arrival of a new baby Planning ahead for the arrival of a new baby can be an exciting and overwhelming time for expectant parents. From creating a safe and welcoming environment to preparing financially, there are many aspects to consider in order to ensure a smooth transition into parenthood. This article will explore key areas to focus on when planning for the arrival of a new baby, including setting up a nursery, acquiring essential baby items, arranging for healthcare, and establishing a support system. By taking the time to carefully plan and prepare, parents can alleviate stress and better equip themselves for the joyous journey that lies ahead. Clothing When it comes to clothing for a baby, there are several types of items that are necessary for their comfort and well-being. These include sleepsuits, bodysuits, cardigans, vests, hats, mittens, booties, socks, and a coat or all-in-one for winter. Sleepsuits are perfect for nighttime, as they provide warmth and coziness to help the baby sleep comfortably. Bodysuits are essential, with snap-crotch ones being particularly useful for easy diaper changes. Cardigans are great for layering and provide extra warmth when needed. Vests are similar to bodysuits but without the snap-crotch, making them ideal for layering or wearing under other clothing. Hats and mittens are essential during colder months, as they help to keep the baby's head and hands warm. Booties and socks also play a crucial role in keeping their feet cozy. A coat or all-in-one is necessary for winter outings, offering protection from the cold weather. In terms of specific pieces, snap-crotch bodysuits are a must-have for their convenience. T-shirts and pants are suitable for everyday wear, while rompers are perfect for a quick and easy outfit choice. Pajamas are essential for nighttime comfort. To ensure an adequate supply, it is recommended to have at least 7 or more bodysuits, 3 or 4 T-shirts, 3 or 4 pairs of pants, and a few rompers and pajamas. Additionally, it is important to have multiple hats, mittens, booties, socks, and a coat or all-in-one for winter. By considering these necessary pieces and quantities, you can ensure that your baby has a well-stocked wardrobe with appropriate clothing for all seasons and occasions. - Onesies and bodysuits Onesies and bodysuits are must-have garments for every newborn's wardrobe. They are specifically designed to provide convenience and comfort, not only for the baby but also for the parents. These adorable little outfits have become an essential part of any baby's collection. One of the most notable features of onesies and bodysuits are the poppers located underneath the bottom. These handy snaps make diaper changes a breeze, allowing parents to effortlessly change their little one without the hassle of undressing them completely. No more wrestling with stubborn buttons or clasps, as the poppers easily fasten and unfasten in no time. Another fantastic feature of these garments is the envelope necks. Unlike regular shirts or tops, the envelope necks are designed to easily stretch over a newborn's head without causing any discomfort or disturbing their fragile neck. This makes dressing and undressing a tiny baby a stress-free experience, as parents don't have to worry about accidentally hurting their little one while trying to put on or remove their outfit. In addition to their practicality, onesies and bodysuits are crafted from soft and breathable fabrics. This ensures that the baby's delicate skin is comfortable and protected, reducing the risk of irritation or allergies. The materials used also provide excellent durability, with the garments maintaining their shape and quality even after multiple washes. In conclusion, onesies and bodysuits are the ultimate go-to option for newborns. Their poppers and envelope necks offer incredible convenience for parents during diaper changes and dressing, all while keeping the baby cozy and content. With their combination of functionality and comfort, these adorable garments are a must-have for any baby's wardrobe. - Sleepsuits and pyjamas When it comes to sleepsuits and pyjamas for newborns, there are various options to choose from, each designed with specific functions and features to ensure easy nappy changes and maximum comfort. One popular option is the traditional sleepsuit, which typically features snaps or buttons down the front and between the legs. This design allows for quick and convenient nappy changes, as it can easily be undone without having to remove the entire outfit. Furthermore, sleepsuits often have built-in mittens to prevent newborns from scratching themselves, providing added functionality. Another option is footed sleepsuits, which, as the name suggests, have enclosed feet. These are great for ensuring that the baby's feet stay warm and cozy throughout the night. However, footless sleepsuits are also available for warmer climates or for situations where the baby might overheat easily. When it comes to fabric choice, cotton is often recommended for newborns due to its softness and breathability. Cotton allows for better air circulation, reducing the risk of irritation and rashes on the baby's delicate skin. Additionally, cotton is a natural material that is less likely to cause allergies or discomfort. In terms of design options, there are countless styles and patterns available, allowing parents to personalize their newborn's wardrobe. Some may prefer cute animal prints or pastel colors, while others may opt for gender-neutral designs. It is advised to have at least five sleepsuits and pyjamas in a newborn's wardrobe to accommodate frequent changes and laundry cycles. In conclusion, sleepsuits and pyjamas for newborns come in various styles, from traditional snaps or buttons to footed or footless options. Choosing the right fabric, such as cotton, is crucial for a baby's delicate skin. Finally, having an adequate number of sleepsuits and pyjamas is essential to ensure that the newborn is comfortable and always dressed appropriately. - Hats and mittens Hats and mittens are essential accessories for cold weather, providing warmth and protection during outdoor activities. There are various types available, each designed with different materials and features. One common type of hat is the beanie. Typically made from wool or acrylic, beanies are a snug-fitting headwear that provides excellent insulation. They are designed to cover the entire head, including the ears, keeping them warm in chilly temperatures. Some beanies also feature a fleece lining for added comfort and insulation. Another popular hat choice is the trapper hat. Made from materials like fur or fleece, trapper hats have earflaps that can be secured under the chin, offering extra warmth and protection from wind and cold temperatures. They are typically lined with faux fur or soft lining, providing additional insulation. When it comes to mittens, there are also different options available. A common choice is the fleece mittens, which are made from soft and warm fleece material. Fleece mittens provide insulation and are quick-drying, making them suitable for various outdoor activities. For those who require waterproof mittens, there are options like the insulated gloves. These mittens are designed with waterproof materials such as nylon or Gore-Tex, while also featuring insulation to keep hands warm. They often have an adjustable wrist strap or drawstring to prevent snow or cold air from entering. Overall, hats and mittens are crucial for cold weather activities as they provide warmth and protection. Their materials, designs, insulation, and waterproofing features ensure optimal comfort, making outdoor ventures enjoyable even in the harshest conditions. - Socks and booties Introduction: Socks and booties are essential accessories that provide both style and functionality. From keeping our feet cozy and warm to adding a fashionable touch to our outfits, these items are a staple in our wardrobes. Whether you prefer colorful, patterned, or quirky designs, socks and booties can elevate any ensemble and make a fashion statement. Not only do they offer comfort and protection for our feet, but they also allow us to showcase our personality and creativity. With an array of options available, from traditional ankle socks to thigh-high stockings and from classic booties to trendy ankle boots, the world of socks and booties is limitless. Let's delve into the different types, styles, and materials that make up these beloved accessories, and discover how they have become a crucial part of our fashion repertoire. Nursery Nursery Essentials: Creating a Safe and Comfortable Space for Your Baby Creating a nursery is an exciting part of preparing for your little one's arrival. To ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your baby, it is essential to have certain items in place. These nursery essentials will not only provide comfort but also promote healthy sleep and contribute to the overall well-being of your child. One of the most important items is a safe cot. The cot should have sturdy construction and meet safety standards to provide a secure sleeping space for your baby. Along with the cot, a firm cot mattress is essential. It should fit snugly in the cot and provide ample support for your baby's growing body. Bedding is another crucial item for the nursery. Opt for soft and breathable materials that are hypoallergenic to minimize the risk of allergies and ensure a comfortable sleep environment. Remember to have extra sheets on hand for quick changes during those inevitable diaper mishaps. Investing in a baby monitor is an excellent idea, as it allows you to keep an eye on your little one even when you are not in the room. This provides peace of mind and allows you to respond promptly if your baby needs attention. A night light is also important in the nursery. It creates a soothing and calming atmosphere, making it easier for your baby to fall asleep. Additionally, it allows for easy nighttime diaper changes and feedings without disturbing your baby's sleep patterns. While not essential, a humidifier can be beneficial to maintain optimal humidity levels in the nursery, particularly during dry seasons. This helps prevent dry skin, congestion, and discomfort for your baby. Clothes storage is essential to keep your baby's clothing organized and easily accessible. Opt for a dresser or wardrobe that provides ample space for all their adorable outfits and essentials. Lastly, consider adding a rocking chair or recliner to the nursery. This comfortable seating option allows you to feed, cuddle, and bond with your baby, creating a cozy and relaxing space for both of you. While controversial for some parents, a dummy or pacifier can provide soothing comfort for your baby. It can help satisfy their natural suckling instinct, provide temporary relief, and aid in settling them to sleep. In conclusion, these nursery essentials - including a safe cot, firm cot mattress, bedding, baby monitor, night light, humidifier, clothes storage, rocking chair or recliner, and a dummy - contribute to a secure, comfortable, and soothing environment for your little one. By investing in these items and ensuring their quality, you are taking important steps to create a nurturing space for your baby's growth and well-being. - Crib or bassinet In the first weeks of life, parents have two primary options for providing a safe sleeping space for their newborn: a crib or a bassinet. Both choices have their advantages, and ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. A bassinet is a small, portable bed specifically designed for infants. Many parents prefer bassinets because they allow the baby to sleep in the same room, making night-time feedings and comforting easier. Bassinets are also usually more compact and lightweight, making them suitable for travel. On the other hand, cribs offer a more spacious sleeping area and can accommodate the baby for a longer time. They are typically more secure and sturdier than bassinets, reducing the risk of the baby rolling out or slipping. Cribs also often come with adjustable mattress heights, which can be useful as the baby grows. Regardless of the choice between a crib or a bassinet, it is crucial to prioritize meeting all consumer safety requirements. Both options should adhere to safety guidelines, such as having well-spaced slats, secure corners, and a firm mattress that fits snugly. It is also important to ensure that the crib or bassinet is in good condition, with no loose screws or broken parts. Parents should always avoid using crib bumpers, stuffed animals, and pillows in the sleeping space. These items can pose suffocation risks to the baby. A bare sleep environment, with only a fitted sheet on the mattress, is safest for newborns. In conclusion, whether parents choose a crib or a bassinet for their baby's safe sleeping space, it is crucial to prioritize consumer safety requirements. The elimination of potential suffocation risks by avoiding crib bumpers, stuffed animals, and pillows is essential for creating a safe sleeping environment for newborns. - Fitted sheets and mattress protectors Fitted sheets and mattress protectors are essential items for maintaining crib cleanliness and prolonging the life of your baby's mattress. Using a fitted sheet on your baby's crib mattress is crucial for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it adds an extra layer of protection, preventing direct contact between your baby's skin and the mattress itself. This helps to keep the mattress clean and hygienic, as well as providing a soft and comfortable surface for your little one to sleep on. Secondly, fitted sheets are designed to fit snugly around the mattress, ensuring that they stay securely in place, even when your baby moves around during sleep. This eliminates any potential hazards caused by loose sheets that could pose a suffocation risk. There are various types of fitted sheets available, including cotton, organic, and jersey knit options. Cotton fitted sheets are a common choice due to their softness and breathability. Organic fitted sheets are made from natural materials that are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides, making them a healthier choice for your baby's sensitive skin. Jersey knit fitted sheets are stretchy and comfortable, providing a snug fit on the mattress. In addition to fitted sheets, using a mattress protector is highly recommended. Mattress protectors act as a barrier between your baby and the mattress, preventing any spills, accidents, or stains from penetrating and damaging the mattress. They are typically waterproof and easy to clean, ensuring that the mattress remains in good condition for longer. By using a mattress protector, you can safeguard your baby's crib mattress and extend its lifespan, ultimately saving you money in the long run. In conclusion, fitted sheets and mattress protectors are essential for maintaining crib cleanliness and prolonging the life of your baby's mattress. With various options available, you can choose the best fitted sheet material for your baby's comfort, while using a mattress protector to ensure hygiene and protection against spills and accidents. - Swaddle blankets or sleep sacks Swaddle blankets and sleep sacks are essential items for newborns, providing comfort and security during sleep. Swaddle blankets are designed to recreate the feeling of being in the womb, helping babies feel safe and relaxed. They are typically made from soft, breathable materials such as 100% cotton or muslin. Some swaddle blankets have a Velcro or zipper closure, making it easier to wrap the baby securely, while others are simply a large square piece of fabric that requires folding and tucking. Sleep sacks, on the other hand, serve as wearable blankets that keep infants cozy while ensuring they stay safe and warm throughout the night. Sleep sacks are available in various styles, such as sleeveless ones that are perfect for warmer months or those with long sleeves for colder weather. Similar to swaddle blankets, sleep sacks are made using soft and breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo. Both swaddle blankets and sleep sacks come in different sizes to accommodate the growth of newborns. Swaddle blankets are available in small, medium, and large sizes, while sleep sacks are usually categorized by age range, such as 0-3 months, 3-6 months, and so on. Designs for swaddle blankets and sleep sacks can range from basic solid colors to adorable prints and patterns. To minimize the risk of overheating, some swaddle blankets and sleep sacks are made using breathable fabrics. Cellular blankets are particularly popular as they allow airflow while still keeping babies warm. These blankets feature small holes that create a honeycomb-like pattern, making them lightweight and breathable. In summary, swaddle blankets are used for swaddling babies during naps and nighttime, while sleep sacks function as wearable blankets. They are available in various sizes, designs, and materials, with breathable fabrics being a popular choice to prevent overheating. - Nightlight or dim lamp Introduction: Nightlights or dim lamps are small sources of soft and gentle illumination that are commonly used in bedrooms or other spaces during night hours. These devices provide a subdued level of light that is just bright enough to ensure visibility, but not so intense that it disrupts sleep or causes discomfort. Whether used to create a cozy ambiance, alleviate fear of darkness, or assist in late-night feedings or reading sessions, nightlights or dim lamps have become a staple in many households. In the following headings, we will explore the benefits and different types of nightlights or dim lamps available, as well as tips for choosing the most suitable option for your needs. Feeding Feeding newborn babies requires a range of essential items to ensure their health and wellbeing. For mothers who choose to breastfeed, nursing bras, breast pads, nipple cream, and a breast pump (optional) are necessary. Nursing bras provide comfort and support during breastfeeding sessions, while breast pads help absorb any leakage. Nipple cream can soothe and protect sore or cracked nipples. Those who may need to express milk or have a supply on hand may opt for a breast pump, which helps stimulate milk production and store milk for later use. Milk storage pots or bags are useful for safely storing expressed milk. For parents who are not breastfeeding or as an alternative option, formula milk is a key feeding essential. Formula should be prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions and stored in baby bottles. Teats that are suitable for a newborn's delicate mouth, along with a bottle brush for easy cleaning, are also necessary. Muslin squares come in handy for burping and wiping up any spills. It's important to maintain a hygienic environment when feeding a baby, so a sterilizer is needed to thoroughly clean feeding equipment. This equipment can include bottles, teats, and breast pump parts. A bottle warmer can efficiently heat bottles to a safe temperature for feeding. In conclusion, feeding essentials for a newborn baby include nursing bras, breast pads, nipple cream, breast pump (optional), milk storage pots/bags, bottles/teats/bottle brush (if not breastfeeding), muslin squares, a sterilizer, formula milk, baby bottles, teats, a bottle warmer, and sterilizing equipment. These items ensure that babies are properly nourished, whether it be through breastfeeding or using formula milk. - Bottles and nipples (if bottle feeding) When it comes to bottle feeding, there are a few essential items that you will need to ensure a successful and comfortable experience for both you and your baby. The most obvious item is, of course, the bottle itself. It is recommended to have 4-6 bottles on hand for daily feeds, as recommended by the NCT (National Childbirth Trust). In addition to the bottles, you will also need a supply of nipples. Nipples come in various sizes, ranging from slow to fast flow. It is important to start with the lowest flow nipple size to ensure that your baby does not get overwhelmed with milk flow. As your baby grows and becomes more efficient at feeding, you can gradually move up to a faster flow nipple. Cleaning the bottles and nipples is another important aspect of bottle feeding. A bottle brush is an essential tool for effectively cleaning both bottles and nipples. It is recommended to have a bottle brush specifically designed for this purpose, as it can easily reach all the nooks and crannies of the bottles and nipples to thoroughly clean them. Even if you plan on breastfeeding, it is still a good idea to stock up on bottles and nipples. Having a backup plan in case breastfeeding does not work out or if you need to supplement with bottle feeding is always a wise decision. It is better to be prepared for any situation that may arise. In conclusion, when it comes to bottle feeding, having the right equipment is essential. This includes having an adequate number of bottles, the appropriate size nipples, and a bottle brush for cleaning. Following these recommendations will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable bottle feeding experience for both you and your baby. Baby carriers, baby baths, Baby Car Seats, Nursing Pillows, Travel Systems, Nail Scissors, Nappy Rash Cream, Bath Thermometer, Baby Blanket, Baby Wipes, Baby Towels, Sound Machine, Nail Clippers... it's overwhelming to say the least!

  • Community Questions - Flying with a baby!

    "We are about to go on our first family holiday with our son who is 6 months. Do you have any tips? Feeling quite nervous about the flight!" We have all been there - the first flight with your little one can seem daunting. There are a few things that we recommend and have done ourselves when flying with little ones to make it a little easier, hopefully these will help! - If you can pre-book your seats by a bassinet, we would recommend doing this! Many airlines provide bassinets on a first come first serve basis and it can make a huge difference to your babies sleep on the plane, especially long haul flights! - Pack plenty of food and snacks for you and your little one - and if you are bottle feeding, prepare your bottles in advance so you are all ready to go. You can take formula and breastmilk through security no problem! - We try to dress our little ones in zip-up onesies when travelling to make changes much easier and quicker than poppers or a full outfit of top and trousers - it also means if there are any sick/nappy incidents you can quickly whip off the onesie and put on another! - If you are checking in your pram, we would recommend wearing your baby through the airport to make it that bit easier particularly with having to unload the pram and pack it down to go through security. A few of us on the Carol App team have the Yoyo Baby Zen and we couldn't recommend it more for travelling, you can take it down the aisle of the plane as it fits and easily folds down to go in the overhead locker. - Change your babies nappy just before you get on the flight - it's a lot easier than changing them on the plane. - We also make sure we have enough dummies with us for the flight and pack an extra two, with dummy clips, so they can be clipped onto babies onesie and they won't fall on the floor and get filthy. - Bring a few toys and books, but you don't need to overdo it and end up carrying an extensive amount of things with you! - Finally, we recommend packing some disinfectant wipes!

  • Community Questions - Best bedside cribs.

    "Hey! I'm due with my first in a couple months and we are looking at which is the best bedside crib for us to get! Do you have any recommendations?" Bedside cribs are great for you to stay close to your newborn throughout the night and also makes it much easier for those night-time feeds! A bedside crib is a cot where one side can be removed/opened and you can very easily lift your little one out onto your chest for feeding or to help soothe them back to sleep. A bedside crib is a popular option for parents and there are a number of options available, with varying price points too! Not only this, but if you have had a C-Section, a bedside crib can be invaluable as it makes things much easier than having to get out of bed to lift your baby for a feed, change or to soothe them. The safe sleep guidance from the NHS and The Lullaby Trust advises that your newborn stays in the same room as you for the first 6 months, but not in your bed due to the risk of overheating and suffocation. Our recommendations for bedside cribs are: Snuzpod 4 Bedside Crib £159 - The Snuzpod has a light bassinet, can be used as a stand-alone crib, a bedside crib or a Moses basket, has a stylish look, has the ability to rock to help soothe your baby and has a number of different height positions! Tutti Bambini CoZee £159 - The Tutti Bambini can also be used as a stand-alone crib or a bedside crib. It contains a storage shelf below which is handy for wipes, nappies and is very easy to assemble! At the higher price bracket, there is the Snoo Smart Sleeper £1,195 - The Snoo is a much higher price point, and is regarded as a 'smart sleeper' crib. The Snoo connects to an app on your phone and has the ability to automatically rock, play white noise, soothe your baby and 'shush' without the need for you to get out of bed! The Snoo also comes with an integrated swaddle which helps to keep your baby in a safe sleep position during the night. The Snoo is also a stand-alone crib, not a bedside crib but is often used close by the bed.

  • Community Questions - Baby Monitors!

    "Hi there, I was wondering if you had any suggestions on baby monitors? One that you can have on your phone but that also has a screen you can take around the house with you? Thank you." There are so many baby monitors out there, it can be a complete minefield and many at very different price points too! There are also different things to think about including whether you want your baby monitor to be wireless, battery powered or come with a mains charger. Generally speaking the baby monitors that need charging last up to 12 hours so will most likely need changing every day. Some other things to consider are the video and camera quality, especially with good night vision as you are more than likely going to be using the baby monitor in a darker room. Movement alerts and crying detection may also be something that you want your baby monitor to have, but it's up to you what your preference is. In terms of price, baby monitors can range from around £60 - over £200, so there is a big difference in price for some monitors. Our top budget video monitor is the Motorola VM481 £87.95 as it offers video, a long range, doesn't require an app to be downloaded and is compact. The Angelcare AC327 £149.99 is another baby monitor we would recommend. Slightly more expensive than the Motorola, however the Angelcare has an added movement sensor pad which tracks any small movements from your babies breathing and will alert you if there has been no movement for 15 seconds - giving you peace of mind. The Angelcare is also expandable, comes with a screen and an app so you can watch your baby on your phone too. Our top Smart baby monitor is the Nanit Pro Smart Baby Monitor £299 which is a sleep tracker, wearable and hybrid video monitor. The Nanit camera itself has movement tracking however the wearables (sold separately) enable you to track your babies sleep in more more detail, as well as their breathing. The Nanit also has an app so you can watch the camera from your phone. The Nanit is high-tech and offers amazing insights into your little ones sleep. The Nanit is definitely a higher price point than many other baby monitors however it does offer a lot more than the standard baby monitors and doesn't come with an additional screen, the camera can purely be viewed on the mobile app.

  • Community Questions - Getting back to sleep after a night time feed.

    "Do you have any advice for falling back to sleep after a middle of the night feed?" This is such a common question we get sent regularly. We know what it's like after you've just finished feeding your little one and neither of you seem to be able to get back to sleep or your little one gets back to sleep only to wake a few hours later and you're still wide awake! Some tips that have worked for us include: - As little stimulation as possible for the middle of the night feeds - dim lights - a himalayan salt lamp is what we used and would recommend. A white noise machine can help to keep the mood relaxed and potentially help with you falling back to sleep after feeding too. - Try to limit screen time for the middle of the night feeds - this will make it harder for you to fall back to sleep as your mind will get going and keep you awake for longer. - Keep hydrated but try to avoid eating as this can also keep you awake for longer, particularly if it's a sugary snack! Hope that helps!

  • The Rollercoaster Ride of New Motherhood

    Hey there, new mama! Welcome to the incredible journey of motherhood, where each day is filled with endless love, joy, and a dash of chaos. We know that being a new mum can be overwhelming, exhilarating, and sometimes downright hilarious. So, grab a cup of tea (or maybe a few extra minutes in the bathroom) and join us as we delve into the wonderful world of new motherhood. Carol is here for you, Mama. Through our hundred's of hand picked, expert-led articles from Pregnancy, Postpartum to Baby Sleep & Feeding, Baby Development and The Early Years, Community Questions sent in from other mums just like you & product recommendations, we've got you covered. Sleep? What's That? Ah, sleep – that elusive concept that seems to vanish once you become a mum. We understand the struggles of sleep deprivation and the constant dance between naps, late-night feedings, and trying to catch some shut-eye yourself. Rest assured, you're not alone in those bleary-eyed moments, and we've got tips and tricks to help you survive (and maybe even embrace) the sleep-deprived journey. The Art of Multitasking As a new mum, you're a master of multitasking like never before. From juggling nappy changes, feedings, and endless baby gear to attempting to eat a meal with one hand while rocking your little one to sleep with the other – you're a superhero with incredible skills! We'll share some hilarious tales, tips, and perhaps a few cautionary tales about the art of multitasking in the world of motherhood. Embracing the Mess Let's face it: motherhood and messes go hand in hand. From spit-up stains on your favourite shirt to the explosion of baby food artfully decorating your kitchen walls, messes are just a part of the adventure. We'll dive into the chaos and celebrate the messy moments that make motherhood beautifully imperfect. The Power of Mum Friends - Finding your tribe of fellow mamas is like discovering a hidden treasure. They're the ones who truly get it – the sleepless nights, the endless worries, and the overwhelming love. We'll explore the importance of mum friends, the support they provide, and the incredible bonds that form when navigating the journey of motherhood together. Embracing Self-Care Amidst the whirlwind of motherhood, it's crucial to carve out some time for self-care. We'll share practical tips and ideas for taking care of yourself, whether it's stealing moments of relaxation, indulging in a guilty pleasure, or simply finding joy in the little things. Remember, a happy mama means a happy baby! As you embark on this extraordinary adventure of motherhood, know that you're not alone. We're here to celebrate the laughter, the tears, and everything in between. So, let's embrace the beautiful chaos together, sharing stories, tips, and support as we navigate this incredible journey. You're doing an amazing job, and we're here to cheer you on every step of the way. Welcome to the incredible sisterhood of motherhood! Carol is here for you, come join us!

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